What’s the Elivate Provider Patrol?
The Provider Patrol is our team of medical professionals that provide IV and IM services to customers across all of our delivery locations:
In North Tahoe:
At events (athletic, music, local, and more)
In homes & rentals
At partner locations (like the Tahoe Donner tennis center, or a wellness center)
At resorts
At clubhouses
On the beach, at the mountain, at trails, and anywhere else people are active and interested in elivating their wellness
We also do events around California & Nevada that each nurse can choose to be involved in.
Our providers are skilled, outgoing, enthusiastic, caring people that love interacting in new locations and learning and solving things on the fly to best serve our customers. Most of them also love to hustle, to encourage people to try IVs, and to help with the entire process of service delivery from reviewing a brochure to entering a new client and sale in our system.
The provider patrol is on of the key elements of the Elivate business - our goal is for the Provider Patrol program to give local medical professionals in the North Tahoe, Reno, and other areas to earn extra income in off-hours from their full or part-time job, or after retirement.
We are committed to providing a way for our amazing local nurses to learn new things, earn extra money on your own schedule, and to be out and about at fun events and locations.
The Elivate Provider Patrol is currently a team of about 12, and we’re growing to 30 by the end of 2024 because most of the providers have full-time jobs, families, and limited availability.
We are totally open to providers that don’t work full-time and is interested in working more hours with Elivate as well.
We are also hiring a Provider Manager and would love one of our provider patrol staff to move into that role.
You’ll get to work with all the members of the provider team across different events, and we’d love for you to recruit medical friends to the team too!