What’s in Elivate nutrient infusions?

We are committed to complete transparency - if you still have questions about ingredients after looking them up, just ask!

Search for any ingredient you’re interested in - if it’s in our treatments you should find it!

Of course one of the most common questions we get is this one - if you’re curious, this section is for you!

We have a detailed ingredient page for each of the 17 ingredients we include in our Elivate nutrient infusions.

  • In our menu, each treatment links to a detailed page for each ingredient included.

  • Each ingredient page also links to which treatment formula that includes the ingredient.


Nutrient Infusions & Injections

Ingredients are 100% absorbed

Infusion & injection are the most effective delivery methods for hydration and nutrients because your body absorbs almost 100% of the ingredients - and they are more “bioavailable” to have greater impact on your cellular health.

Supplements delivered via infusion & injection are the most effective way to balance your body’s building blocks.

Here’s the difference in how much your body absorbs from these two delivery methods: