Personalized proactive aging

Data > Knowledge

Aging metrics enable regular tracking of key measures including cellular health, oxidative stress, inflammation levels, and overall metabolic function.

Knowledge > Treatments

Having dynamic data provides a way to make decisions and action plans. You can choose personalized & proactive aging treatments.

Slower aging > longer healthspan

Dynamic and actionable picture of health, guiding better lifestyle choices and proactive healthcare.

  • Tracking age-related biomarkers can reveal insights into how lifestyle, diet, and genetics affect your health. This personalized approach helps tailor interventions and strategies.

  • Changes in age-related biomarkers can indicate early signs of potential health problems, such as cardiovascular disease or metabolic disorders.

    Monitoring enables you to prevent and intervene.

  • Monitoring age-related biomarkers can help evaluate the impact of proactive aging changes you are implementing and provide feedback on what’s working and what might need adjustment.

  • Although not perfect, age-related biomarkers can offer insights into your potential healthspan and overall trajectory, helping you make informed decisions.

  • Seeing progress in age-related biomarkers can be a powerful motivator.

    It provides concrete evidence of how lifestyle practices & proactive aging treatments are positively influencing your body.

2 metrics enable aging management

1. Biological age

Biological age refers to how well your body functions relative to your actual age, based on various biomarkers and physiological metrics.

Biological age is influenced by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposures.

As these factors deteriorate, biological age can accelerate, leading to age-related diseases and decreased vitality.

Biological age is a way to know how your body is aging on the inside.

2. Pace of aging

Instead of one number representing your age at a point in time, the pace of aging metric measures how quickly you are aging.

It’s also compared to chronological aging - so if your body is aging with your birthdays, your pace of aging is 1.

The goal is for your cellular health and body systems to be aging more slowly that the birthdays you count.