Nutrient infusions support natural detoxification

Here’s how Elivate nutrient infusions support the natural detoxification process in your body:

Direct Nutrient Infusion: directly infuses nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into the bloodstream. This method bypasses the digestive system, ensuring a higher absorption rate compared to oral supplementation (up to 10x higher).

Key detoxifying nutrients such as glutathione, vitamin C, and B vitamins can be administered intravenously to support the body's natural detox processes.

Hydration and cellular cleansing: Proper hydration is fundamental to detoxification. Nutrient infusion delivers fluids directly into the bloodstream, ensuring rapid hydration at the cellular level. This enhanced hydration facilitates the flushing out of toxins from cells, supporting kidney function and promoting overall cellular health.

Glutathione for cellular defense: Known as the "master antioxidant," glutathione plays a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals and aiding in the removal of toxins .Nutrient infusion allows for the direct infusion of glutathione, providing a potent antioxidant boost to combat oxidative stress and support liver function.

Vitamin C's detoxifying power: Vitamin C is renowned for its antioxidant properties and its role in detoxification. Intravenous administration of vitamin C can reach higher levels in the bloodstream than oral intake, supporting the body in combating oxidative stress and enhancing immune function.


Aging is Not Inevitable


Nutrient infusions support immune function