Nutrient infusions are the most effective supplements

Pills, capsules, and powders have long been the familiar way for us to supplement vitamins and nutrients that if we don’t get enough in our diet. However, our bodies only absorb between 10% and 40% of oral supplements. Factors such as digestive issues, variable absorption rates, and potential degradation of nutrients during digestion have prompted a shift towards more advanced and efficient alternatives.

Nutrient infusions bypass the limitations of traditional pills and powders to provide a direct and superior way to absorb 100% of the supplements our bodies need.

Keeping our bodies in balance costs money (organic food, supplements, etc.) Embracing preventative measures like Elivate nutrient infusions help you get the biggest bang for your buck when supplementing vitamins, aminos, and other nutrients.

Here’s why Elivate nutrient infusions are the better way to get the supplements your body needs:

  • Immediate nutrient absorption: Nutrient infusions deliver nutrients directly into the bloodstream, allowing for immediate absorption without the delays and variations associated with digestion.

  • Enhanced bioavailability: The direct infusion of nutrients ensures a higher bioavailability, maximizing the effectiveness of each supplement and promoting optimal health benefits.

  • Bypass digestive challenges: Individuals with digestive issues can benefit from nutrient infusions because they bypasses the digestive system, ensuring nutrient absorption even when you have gastrointestinal challenges.

Elivate nutrient infusions are a transformative and superior way to get supplements, offering a direct route to optimal nutrient absorption, bioavailability, and personalized wellness.


Nutrient infusion ingredients that boost immunity